Make Sure about Your Business

We offer services from business idea, feasibility study over engineering, execution, startup to operation and maintenance. We call it Asset Management, and we mean covering all aspects of technical OPEX and CAPEX activities. 

Our Services

Jim Rock provides services for the whole life cycle of an investment, starting with the effective inputs for the FEED phases FEL1 and FEL2 and ending with a maintenance strategy bringing technical Opex to an optimum and preparing re-invenstment CAPEX at life cycle end.

Are you looking for a challenge on your strategic projects? Are you curious asking a technological mirror regarding your business idea?

Will the engineering and execution team of your investment projects also provide the needs of asset management and maintenance?

Our strength lies in covering the life cycle of business, with a clear focus on technology and maintenance. Our support covers: 

  • evaluating business strategies
  • analyzing internal stakeholder interfaces
  • identifying collaboration bottlenecks
  • analyzing production process systems
  • systematic collection of innovation and improvements
  • controlling and reducing technical CAPEX and OPEX
  • providing production loss analysis
  • optimizing technical availability

We will find the answers to your questions!